Pediatric Intracranial Aneurysms: New and Enlarging Aneurysms after Index Aneurysm Treatment or Observation [PEDIATRICS]

Pediatric Intracranial Aneurysms: New and Enlarging Aneurysms after Index Aneurysm Treatment or Observation


Children with brain aneurysms may be at higher risk than adults to develop new or enlarging aneurysms in a relatively short time. We sought to identify comorbidities and angiographic features in children that predict new aneurysm formation or enlargement of untreated aneurysms.


Retrospective analysis of the University of California–San Francisco Pediatric Aneurysm Cohort data base including medical records and imaging studies was performed.


Of 83 patients harboring 114 intracranial aneurysms not associated with brain arteriovenous malformations or intracranial arteriovenous fistulas, 9 (8.4%) developed new or enlarging brain aneurysms an average of 4.2 years after initial presentation. Comorbidities that may be related to aneurysm formation were significantly higher in patients who developed new aneurysms (89%) as opposed to patients who did not develop new or enlarging aneurysms (41%; RR, 9.5; 95% CI, 1.9%–48%; P = .0099). Patients with multiple aneurysms at initial presentation were more likely than patients with a single aneurysm at presentation to develop a new or enlarging aneurysm (RR, 6.2; 95% CI, 2.1%–185; P = .0058). Patients who initially presented with at least 1 fusiform aneurysm were more likely to develop a new or enlarging aneurysm than patients who did not present with a fusiform aneurysm (RR, 22; 95% CI, 3.6%–68%; P = .00050). Index aneurysm treatment with parent artery occlusion also was associated with higher risk of new aneurysm formation (RR, 4.2; 95% CI, 1.3%–13%; P = .024). New aneurysms did not necessarily arise near index aneurysms. The only fatality in the series was due to subarachnoid hemorrhage from a new posterior circulation aneurysm arising 20 months after index anterior circulation aneurysm treatment in an immunosuppressed patient.


Patients who presented with a fusiform aneurysm had a significantly greater incidence of developing a new aneurysm or enlargement of an index aneurysm than did those who presented with a saccular aneurysm. In our patient cohort, 8 of the 9 children who eventually developed new or enlarging brain aneurysms initially presented with fusiform aneurysm morphology. Other comorbidities or multiple aneurysms were also common in these patients at initial presentation.

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Cerebral Perfusion Long Term after Therapeutic Occlusion of the Internal Carotid Artery in Patients Who Tolerated Angiographic Balloon Test Occlusion

Cerebral Perfusion Long Term after Therapeutic Occlusion of the Internal Carotid Artery in Patients Who Tolerated Angiographic Balloon Test Occlusion

Gevers, S., Heijtel, D., Ferns, S. P., van Ooij, P., van Rooij, W. J., van Osch, M. J., van den Berg, R., Nederveen, A. J., Majoie, C. B.


Therapeutic carotid occlusion is an established technique for treatment of large and giant aneurysms of the ICA, in patients with synchronous venous filling on angiography during BTO. Concern remains that hemodynamic alterations after permanent occlusion will predispose the patient to new ischemic injury in the ipsilateral hemisphere. The purpose of this study was to assess whether BTO with synchronous venous filling is associated with normal CBF long term after carotid sacrifice.


Eleven patients were included (all women; mean age, 50.5 years; mean follow-up, 38.5 months). ASL with single and multiple TIs was used to assess CBF and its temporal characteristics. Selective ASL was used to assess actual territorial contribution of the ICA and BA. Collateral flow via the AcomA or PcomA or both was determined by time-resolved 3D PCMR. Paired t tests were used to compare CBF and timing parameters between hemispheres.


Absolute CBF values were within the normal range. There was no significant CBF difference between hemispheres ipsilateral and contralateral to carotid sacrifice (49.4 ± 11.2 versus 50.1 ± 10.1 mL/100 g/min). Arterial arrival time and trailing edge time were significantly prolonged on the occlusion side (816 ± 119 ms versus 741 ± 103 ms, P = .001; and 1765 ± 179 ms versus 1646 ± 190 ms, P < .001). Two patients had collateral flow through the AcomA only and were found to have increased timing parameters compared with 9 patients with mixed collateral flow through both the AcomA and PcomA.


In this small study, patients with synchronous venous filling during BTO had normal CBF long term after therapeutic ICA occlusion.

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